Tuesday, February 25, 2014

38 is here...

Well, it's here.  38.  Probably a good time to post a progress report. 

I have learned a few things in the past two weeks:

1)  I'm not going to see much change on the scale.  Really I don't have that much weight to lose, just fat.  And I'm building a lot of muscle so I'm not sure how that translates to the scale.  I was getting a little upset that the scale seems to teeter-totter between a 3lb range but then I reminded myself that that's not really the ultimate goal.

2) Measurements are not really a good goal for me either.  I was keeping track and other than my waist (down 3"), my measurements haven't changed.  If fact my arms have actually gotten bigger.  But (big smile) it's muscle.  See my baby gun?  I'm beginning to see some definition and that's exactly what I want.

3) I realized a few days ago that my legs are incredibly solid.  More so than ever in my life!  Of course, the skin on top is aging so it's not going to be as easy to get good definition.  And then there's the cellulite.  {Sigh}  But I'm getting good, solid, strong muscle so I'm happy.

4) Progress for me will have to be measured in strength, increase in reps, sets, etc. and visible change.  I have gotten much stronger over the last few weeks and exercises that were once difficult to finish are much easier and in some cases, I've added reps.
5) I have not suffered from any headaches in several weeks!!!  That's huge for me!  And I haven't missed Dr. Pepper at all. 
Overall, I'm doing well and I actually look forward to my workouts.  I'm kind of antsy until I get it done.  I'm always afraid something is going to happen and I won't get it in.  I even ran 3 miles Saturday night while we were camping.  It was a challenge because the park has a lot of hills but I still managed to get it done. 
My body hurts (in a good way) every day.  If it's hurting it's a good sign that I worked hard the day before! 
I want to give a shout out to my DH.  He's been working really hard the last couple of months, getting up early to work out before work.  His guns have gotten so big, his sleeves are having a hard time containing them!!  He has some awesome discipline and his hard work helps ensure that I will complete my workout.  I don't want to be left behind!!

1 comment:

  1. Brandi, I have been going through changes as well. I was reading your blog and wondering if I wrote this or if someone else did because it completely mirrored what was going on with me. I started my change on January 11...exactly 3 month before my wedding and a little under 4 months till the honeymoon (which translates to swimsuit time). But I too didn't have any weight to lose, just tone up. And I too am doing exercises that I couldn't do before....even push ups - couldn't do them...had no upper body strength. But that has been my major focal point over the last 6 weeks and now that I am about halfway there...I am soooo excited to see what I will be able to accomplish on the 2nd have of the 6 weeks!!! I am delighted to see my baby guns too and enjoy flexing them any time I can!! LOL Keep on going - you are looking great....and keep posting so we can keep up with your progress!
